5 reasons to cycle to the coast

“Hey, Mands. What are you up to?”

“Hi Mike, just about to have breakkie at Mermaid.”

“What are you doing on the GC?”

“Cycled down from Bris with a group of friends.”

“You WHAT!”

That’s pretty much the phone conversation between myself and my bro on Monday, and the reaction I get from non-cyclists when I mention riding from Brisbane to the Goldie.

It’s not really that far but to persuade the doubters…here are 5 reasons it’s worth it:

1) This one’s for you Susie…

2) You can eat the biggest breakfast ever and it won’t touch your sides!

3) A cool dip on a 30+ degree day

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4) Views like this…

5) And spending time with great friends including this loveable trio!

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Need any more persuading? BSKT Cafe is worth the trip alone!

Happy sharing!

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